Emergency Dental Services In Tulsa

Emergency Dental Services in Tulsa

Emergency Dental Services At Care Family Dentistry.

When dental emergencies occur, people are unprepared and frightened. There is an alternative. Call Care Family Dentistry if you have a dental emergency. Reach out to your dentist as soon as possible if you experience any of these problems.

Don’t wait to get emergency dental care if you are reading this. We can be reached at 918-299-7750 or by scheduling an appointment at the bottom of this page.

Are You Experiencing Oral Pain?

Something is wrong with your mouth if you experience oral pain. Contact your dentist as soon as possible if you’re experiencing dental pain.

  1. As directed on the label, take Tylenol.
  2. Stay calm if you’re bleeding. Avoid aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Aleve). It could make bleeding worse because these drugs thin the blood.
  3. Ice the area for up to 20 minutes every hour.
  4. Contact your dentist if you have injured your teeth or gums.
  5. Medical aid is needed immediately if you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency.

Are You Experiencing Tooth Pain?

Warm water should be used to rinse your mouth. Make sure you floss around every tooth to remove trapped food between them or just under them. As soon as possible, see your dentist if your tooth still hurts.

Are You Experiencing Swelling or Abscess?

Visit your dentist immediately if your gums swell or hurt. It is possible for gum tissue or the root of a tooth to be infected and cause inflammation or pain. Swollen, painful, or abscessed gums can occur for a variety of reasons. Only a thorough dental exam can find the underlying cause.

When an abscess ruptures, you may taste and smell foul-smelling liquid. Immediately rinse with warm water.

Do You Have a Chipped or Broken Tooth?

It may be possible to reattach a chipped or broken tooth, but a dentist can determine that for sure. See your dentist immediately after taking these steps. Don’t forget to take the pieces.

  • Apply gauze to the area and rinse your mouth with warm water. Stop the bleeding with firm pressure. Seek out the chipped or broken parts immediately.
  • Cold compresses minimize swelling after bleeding stops. See your dentist if bleeding does not stop after ten minutes of constant, firm pressure.
  • Using warm water, gently rinse your tooth pieces.
  • The pieces should be placed in a liquid such as milk, water with salt, or the injured person’s saliva.

Have You Experienced Tooth Loss?

A Child’s Baby Tooth

Contact your dentist right away. Most often, we cannot reimplant a baby tooth if it completely falls out of the mouth. A child’s permanent tooth will grow into the gap when a tooth is lost.

A Permanent Tooth

In cases where you knock out a tooth, your dentist will be able to determine whether reimplantation is possible within an hour or two. Visit your dentist as soon as possible. Keep your protected tooth in your pocket.

  • Warm water and gauze will clean your mouth. Stop the bleeding with firm pressure. Chipped or broken teeth need to be found right away.
  • Cold compresses minimize swelling after bleeding stops. See your dentist if bleeding does not stop after ten minutes of constant, firm pressure.
  • Using warm water, gently rinse your tooth pieces.
  • The pieces should be placed in a liquid such as milk, water with salt, or the injured person’s saliva.
  • Apply gauze to the area after rinsing with warm water. Apply firm pressure. Chipped or broken teeth need to be found right away.
  • Cold compresses minimize swelling after bleeding stops. See your dentist if bleeding does not stop after ten minutes of constant, firm pressure.
  • If the tooth is broken, place it in a small container with milk, water sprinkled with salt, or saliva.

Have You Lost a Filling or Crown?

Getting air into contact with the exposed part of your tooth when a filling or crown is lost may result in pain. It’s possible to relieve this pain with clove oil, which can be purchased in shops and pharmacies.

You can apply clove oil to your tooth exposed part with a cotton swab.

Putting an ice pack over the painful area may also relieve the pain. It’s also wise to schedule a dental appointment to have the crown or filling replaced. Infections are prevented from entering the cavity.


Make sure you keep the filling in a safe place and bring it to your dentist. Put tooth wax or cement (available over the counter at the pharmacy) into the hole of your tooth to make it more comfortable. If you plan to use superglue, or other household adhesives, keep them out of your mouth.


While you wait to see your dentist, you may replace the crown yourself if you found it. Clear your crown of any debris. Apply denture adhesive, dental cement, or toothpaste to the inside of your crown before slipping it back in.

Contact Care Family Dentistry Today

Don’t wait to get emergency dental care if you are reading this. We can be reached at 918-299-7750 or through our website.
